
Snack Cat has a “sound that is both intriguing and fun to listen to”

The Deli Magazine

“Snack Cat is a collective of musicians combining elements of jazz, blues, soul, and funk; their sound bases its foundation on an intriguing trombone/keys/electric guitar interplay”

Jazz Weekly

“This 4 song ep by the band Snack Cat is a soulful treat”

WUSB, Stony Brook, NY

Snack Cat is that rare band with a spot on instrumentation and a timeless sound. Put on the headphones and let them take you away!

CSRfm/Jazz Jams, UK 

Snack Cat's cool debut is a clean blend of folk/country/rock/blues. The group seems very enthusiastic and has a positive sound. The vocals and instrumentals are well-done and show a love for what they do!